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Ziel dieser Studie war die Ermittlung wirtschaftlich und politisch tragfähiger Maßnahmen, die eine wesentliche Steigerung der Energieeffizienz und Verringerung der negativen Auswirkungen des Verkehrs ermöglichen. Die Studie beruht auf einer umfassenden Literaturauswertung unter Einbeziehung...
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This report presents an assessment of the theoretical potential to reduce air emissions of SO2 and NOX had best available techniques (BAT) been fully introduced in a set of electricity-generating large combustion plants (LCP) within the European Union (EU-25) in 2004. Emissions of NOX and SO2...
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In summer 2004, the levels of ground-level ozone were high in southern Europe with widespread exceedances of the information threshold value (180 µg/m3), as laid down in the ozone directive (2002/3/EC). The exceedances of the information threshold were similar to earlier years, except for...
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The Internet Air Quality Model Documentation System (MDS) has been developed by the ETC-AQ to provide information and guidance to users in selection of air pollution models for a specified application. After three years of operation, its functionality and utility is evaluated through a survey of...
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This report is the third update of the initial version for the CORINAIR 1985 emissions inventory (1989) and firstly updated in 1991 for the CORINAIR 1990 inventory (1993) and included in the Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook (1996). The second update of the methodology (1997) was...
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This study has collated available environmental expenditure data on the market for goods and services produced by eco-industries in both the EU-15 and the Candidate Countries, as the basis for describing the economic significance of the sector, including employment levels. Whilst there are gaps...
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This report serves as input to the annual progress evaluation report of the European Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, as required under the Monitoring Mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. The report analyses actual progress by comparing 1990-1998...
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The report provides an analysis of trends of emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (1980 to 1996) in Europe by total and by main polluting sectors (transport, industry, energy, agriculture). Emissions are compared to agreed international emission reduction targets and ceilings through...
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Un rapport sur l'évolution de l'environnement paneuropéen faisant suite à "L'environnement de l'Europe: l'évaluation de Dobris" (1995), demandé par les ministres de l'Environnement de toute l'Europe afin de préparer la quatrième conférence des ministres à Aarhus, au Danemark, en juin 1998.
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