Showing 1 - 10 of 12
There is enough evidence to be confident that individuals are able and willing to provide a meaningful answer when asked to value on a finite scale their satisfaction with their own lives, a question that psychologists have long and often posed to respondents of large questionnaires. Without...
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Of the world’s 6.7 billion people (as of 2008), 1.3 billion lived on less than $1.25 Purchasing Power Parity dollars per person per day and another 1.7 billion lived on between $1.25 and $2.50 PPP dollars (Chen and Ravallion, 2012). The scourge of absolute economic misery among billions of the...
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The subject of interrelationship that exists between foreign direct investment (FDI) and standard of living has been an issue of both theoretical and empirical investigations. This study, thus examined the relationship between foreign direct investment and standard of living measured by per...
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Economic inequality and poverty have persisted in Latin America despite important changes in political and policy regimes. This paper explores the relationship between various human capital programs aimed to reduced poverty and how improvements of those in poverty in the left tail of the earning...
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Die Zahl der Zugänge in die Erwerbsminderungsrente ist nach Angaben der Deutschen Rentenversicherung seit den 90er Jahren stark gesunken. In den Jahren 2005 bis 2010 erfolgte ein leichter Wiederanstieg. Seit 2001 haben sich auch die Zahlbeträge bei den Zugängen zur Erwerbsminderungsrente...
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This paper examines the impacts of recent Australian welfare to work reforms for low-income parents of school-aged children who had been in receipt of Parenting Payment – the main welfare payment for this group – for at least one year. Specifically, the reforms introduced a requirement to...
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To mitigate the impact of the 2008–2010 global financial crisis on vulnerable households, the Government of Latvia established Workplaces with Stipends, an emergency public works program that targeted registered unemployed people who were not receiving unemployment benefits. This paper...
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Die von wirtschaftlichen Umbrüchen geprägten Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung waren für viele Ostdeutsche mit zunehmender Unsicherheit verbunden, während die Veränderungen in Westdeutschland weitaus weniger gravierend waren. In der Folge kam es in den 90er Jahren zu einem massiven Rückgang...
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Financing the public health system represents a central reference point of the decisional algorithm necessary for ensuring an advanced management, in the sense that the purpose of this tactic is to analyse the current financial management, to formulate some observations and to present some...
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Long-term social assistance dependency is a growing concern in Sweden and other European countries. In order for policy makers to design effective welfare reforms it is important to know how strong the state dependence associated with social assistance is in the population and to what extent it...
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