Showing 1 - 10 of 17
"Publicly sponsored vocational training programs are important measures of active labor market policies in Germany. A crucial factor for their success is that unemployed are willing to participate in further training. This paper deals with individual determinants of willingness to participate,...
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"This pilot study examines the question of how different strategies and attitudes of caseworkers in German job offices influence the chances of re-employment of the job seekers they counsel. We use data from a standardised survey among caseworkers that we combine with administrative data of the...
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"This paper investigates the selectivity of vocational training courses on Germany's labor market. We consider the case of a special program ('IFlaS'), which provides vocational training for low-skilled unemployed. The program aims at alleviating the foreseeable shortage of skilled workers in...
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"This paper investigates the selectivity of vocational training courses on Germany's labor market. We consider the case of a special program ('IFlaS'), which provides vocational training for low-skilled unemployed. The program aims at alleviating the foreseeable shortage of skilled workers in...
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Diese Pilotstudie soll auf der inhaltlichen Ebene erste Erkenntnisse darüber liefern, inwieweit unterschiedliche Vermittlerstrategien und -einstellungen Auswirkungen auf die Wiederbeschäftigungschancen der betreuten Arbeitslosen haben. Auf der methodischen Ebene soll untersucht werden,...
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The economic dynamics deteriorated considerably throughout the world in 2001. The German economy, too, was seized by this. The dampening effects of the world economy were intensified by the consequences of the animal epidemics and a rather restrictive monetary policy. In addition economic growth...
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"In 2000 Germany experienced a strong economic upswing. The engine driving this development was the vigorous foreign demand. In total a 3.1% growth in real gross domestic product could be recorded. The number of employed persons rose in the annual average for 2000 by almost 600,000. Marginal...
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"After looking back at the development of the economy and the labour market over the past few years, a prediction regarding the trends in 2003 and 2004 is made based on alternative assumptions of overall economic growth. After this, selected topics are dealt with in more detail (foreign trade...
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"The prospects for Germany's economic development are good at present. Nonetheless there are also uncertainties and downsides. For this reason our labour market forecast for 2000 is based on a range of assumptions for the actual economic growth. The overview includes the basic data of these...
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"The so-called 'One-Euro-Jobs' are an important workfare program for unemployed persons receiving benefits according to Germany's Social Code II ('Sozialgesetzbuch Zweites Buch'), aiming at needy benefit recipients who can not be integrated into regular employment by means of other active labor...
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