Showing 1 - 10 of 235
In view of the demographic trends, most EU countries face the problem of a declining work force in the future. Understanding the interaction between income support systems (such as unemployment benefits, social assistance, early retirement and pension systems) and total labor supply is of...
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In view of the demographic trends, most EU countries face the problem of a declining work force in the future. Understanding the interaction between income support systems (such as unemployment benefits, social assistance, early retirement and pension systems) and total labor supply is of...
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The evaluation of labour market and other public policies has become increasingly important in recent years. In an era of tight government budgets, a thorough analysis of these measures is imperative. This book provides a comprehensive overview and assessment of the most relevant...
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Women are still in the clear minority among the financial sector's top decision-making bodies. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, 21 percent of the supervisory and administrative board members of the 100 largest banks were female. The number has stagnated...
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The gender quota for supervisory boards that has been mandatory since January 2016 has shown an initial impact. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, there were more women on the supervisory boards of the 106 companies subject to the statutory quota than one...
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Nach wie vor sind Frauen in Spitzengremien des Finanzsektors deutlich in der Minderheit. Dem Managerinnen-Barometer des DIW Berlin zufolge waren die Aufsichts- und Verwaltungsräte der 100 größten Banken Ende des Jahres 2016 zu gut 21 Prozent mit Frauen besetzt. Damit stagnierte der Anteil...
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Die seit Januar 2016 verbindliche Geschlechterquote für Aufsichtsräte in Deutschland zeigt eine erste Wirkung: Dem Managerinnen- Barometer des DIW Berlin zufolge waren in den unter die Quotenregelung fallenden 106 Unternehmen Ende 2016 deutlich mehr Frauen in den Kontrollgremien vertreten als...
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Der Frauenanteil in den Vorständen der 100 größten Banken in Deutschland stagnierte 2018 bei knapp neun Prozent. In den 60 größten Versicherungen nahm er um gut einen Prozentpunkt auf fast zehn Prozent zu. Während sich damit in den Vorständen die schon in den vergangenen Jahren schwache...
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