Showing 91 - 100 of 321
This paper proposes a closed-economy new keynesian model to evaluate the role of high growth rate of monetary aggregates on the inflation determination in Chile the last years. We estimate a rational expectations equations system derived by the model through Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)....
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Is the patent length an effective policy instrument in stimulating R&D? This paper develops a generalized variety-expanding growth model and then calibrates the model to the aggregate data of the US economy to analyze the effects of extending the patent length. The numerical exercise suggests...
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In this paper, we investigate the relationship between private and public investment in R&D. Various models proposed in the literature to take account for several instruments policies as: (subsidies, taxes…) are estimated to verify if private and public R&D spending are complement or...
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Although the economy of China has grown very strongly over the last few decades, this spectacular performance has come at the expense of rapid environmental deterioration. Amidst animated debate on the issue of global warming, this study attempts to explore the determinants of CO2 emissions in...
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This paper explains and shows us the Phillips Curve for advanced economies on period 1996-2007 for specially for the United States and Euro area case. The informations for 2006 and 2007 was considered being in attention the forecasting of International Monetary Fund (IMF) for these years. We...
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This paper is first attempt to measure and analyze inflation uncertainty in Pakistan and it provides several contributions. Using quarterly data from 1976:01 to 2008:02, at first stage we model inflation uncertainty as time varying process through GARCH framework. At second stage asymmetric...
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In the article, we model R&D as a major endogenous growth element in a small open economy general equilibrium framework and consider several R&D policy scenarios for Slovenia. Increase of the share of sectoral investment in R&D that is deductible from the CIT and increase of government spending...
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Many empirical studies have confirmed the positive impact of innovation on productivity at the firm level. The focus tends to be either on R&D driven techno-logical innovation on the one hand, or on organisational changes complemented by ICT on the other. To investigate the effect of different...
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Pushing for a higher and a more robust growth while maintaining price stability within a target range of inflation continue to be core tasks for the macroeconomic policy management in Indonesia in recent years. Whilst inflation was successfully kept below the target of 7 percent at the end of...
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We develop a theoretical framework to compare forecast uncertainty estimated from time series models to those available from survey density forecasts. The sum of the average variance of individual densities and the disagreement, which is the same as the variance of the aggregate density, is...
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