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This paper develops tests of the null hypothesis of linearity in the context of autoregressive models with Markov-switching means and variances. These tests are robust to the identification failures that plague conventional likelihood-based inference methods. The approach exploits the moments of...
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This paper proposes a new likelihood-based panel cointegration rank test which extends the test of Örsal & Droge (2012) (henceforth Panel SL test) to allow for cross-sectional dependence. The dependence is modelled by unobserved common factors which affect the variables in each cross-section...
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The rank of the Hankel matrix, corresponding to a system transfer function, is equal to the order of its minimal state space realization. The computation of the rank of the Hankel matrix is complicated by the fact that its block elements are rarely given exactly but are estimated instead. In...
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This paper develops tests of the null hypothesis of linearity in the context of autoregressive models with Markov-switching means and variances. These tests are robust to the identification failures that plague conventional likelihood-based inference methods. The approach exploits the moments of...
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This paper proposes a test for linearity against exponential smooth transition models with endogenous right-hand-side variables: to the very best of our knowledge, this class of models is new to the literature. By Monte Carlo analysis the test is shown to have good finite sample properties
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I propose a test of symmetry for a stationary time series based on the difference between the dispersion above the central tendency of the series with that below it. The test has many attractive features: it is applicable to dependent processes, it has a familiar form, it can be implemented...
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In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, competing measures of the trend in macroeconomic variables such as US real GDP have featured prominently in policy debates. A key question is whether the large shocks to macroeconomic variables will have permanent effects — i.e., in econometric...
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A test for serial independence is proposed which is related to the BDS test but focuses on tail event probabilities rather than probabilities near the center of the distribution. The motivation behind this approach is to obtain a test more suitable for detecting structure in the tails, such as...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a substantial increase in house price growth and its seasonal amplitude. This change has presented challenges to traditional seasonal adjustment methods, such as the U.S. Census Bureau's X-12 method. This study tests for residual seasonality in three major...
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A new test for hysteresis based on a nonlinear unobserved components model is proposed. Observed unemployment rates are decomposed into a natural rate component and a cyclical component. Threshold type nonlinearities are introduced by allowing past cyclical unemployment to have a different...
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