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Kaffee aus Peru, Schokolade aus der Elfenbeinküste - in deutschen Supermärkten können wir inzwischen zahlreiche fair gehandelte Produkte kaufen. Die 3. Auflage des Lehrbuches zeigt anschaulich, was sich hinter dem Begriff des Fairen Handels verbirgt. Dafür stellen die Autoren das Konzept aus...
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"International business, especially the export-import trade, is no longer an option, but a necessity for today's apparel industry to grow and generate profits or just to survive in the global marketplace. The decision to export or import is best based on a company or individual entrepreneur's...
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"This book remains the sole export-import textbook aimed squarely at the academic audience. Discussing theoretical issues in depth, while maintaining a practical approach, it offers a comprehensive exploration of import procedures and export regulations. In addition to updated cases, this new...
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