Showing 11 - 20 of 144
Since 1950s, most African nations have gained independence from their colonial powers. Fortunately, independence has brought many changes to these nations and these include multi-party democratic government and western education systems. Unfortunately, the Africa’s economy is the least...
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This paper presents a simple stochastic model of proportionate growth to describe international trade and it applies this set-up to the relationship between export dynamics and economic development. Trade flows are assumed to grow as a geometric Brownian motion while new trade links follow a...
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As the largest Muslim community in the world, Indonesia is optimist on implementing Islamic economy as one of the system. The previous global financial turmoil has made the attention turn on the Islamic financial model, and in particular the Islamic banking system. This model offers a...
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The Great Famine of Ireland from 1845-51 ranks as one of the most lethal of all time, claiming approximately one eighth of the country’s population. Utilizing Famine Relief Commission reports to develop a micro-level dataset of blight severity, I find that in the short run, districts more...
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In the face of sluggish economic growth, debilitating triangle of unemployment, poverty and inequality the South African policy makers are at their wit’s end. Recognisably, most stake holders are evoking the need to forge a ‘Social Compact/ dialogue’ if South Africa will make significant...
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The present analysis has been inspired by the book entitled The Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Central and East-European Countries – Agenda Ahead, edited by Jan KOHOUTEK, UNESCO-CEPES, Studies on Higher Education, Bucharest, 2009, presenting the outcome of the Research Plan...
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Abstract This author sheds some light on the theoretical arguments on the use of selectivity and uniformity of trade policy in trade and industrialization for targeting industries and firms and provides a brief historical review of practices of developed countries and East Asian countries with...
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Julian Simon has stated, in many of his recent publications, that population growth, although reducing income per capita in the short run through capital dilution, increases the rate of growth of that same income per capita in the long run (steady state) through technical progress brought about...
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The present paper aims to adduce succinctly the reasons and arguments sustaining female-targeting microfinance programs, predominantly because of their capacity of offering an effective and operational tool against poverty. The herewith paper basically follows a double-axis organization. The...
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The purpose of this working paper is to give the real meaning of DEVELOPMENT from Islamic perspective. Most of Muslim countries are LDCs and using the religious and social ideology of Islam is very useful to establish institutions and to bring moral and ethical change for development in these...
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