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La presente etude porte sur l'utilisation de la technologie au sein du secteur manufacturier au Canada et sur le rendement d'un groupe d'etablissements manufacturiers qui utilisent la technologie par rapport a un groupe de non-utilisateurs. Les donnees ont ete tirees d'une enquete menee...
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This study examines technology use in Canada's manufacturing sector, and how a set of technology-using manufacturing establishments performed relative to non-users. Data originates from a recent Statistics Canada survey, asking manufacturing firms about their use of 22 advanced manufacturing...
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This paper investigates the characteristics of Canadian manufacturing plants that are related to the use of advanced technologies. The data used are taken from the 1989 Survey of Manufacturing Technology and are linked to administrative data taken from the Census of Manufacturers. Technology use...
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This paper investigates the characteristics of Canadian manufacturing plants that are related to the use of advanced technologies. The data used are taken from the 1989 Survey of Manufacturing Technology and are linked to administrative data taken from the Census of Manufacturers. Technology use...
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This study examines technology use in Canada's manufacturing sector and how a set of technology-using manufacturing establishments performed relative to non-users. Data originates from a recent Statistics Canada survey, asking manufacturing firms about their use of 22 advanced manufacturing...
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Dans cet article sont examinees les differences de productivite du travail entre les entreprises de petite, de moyenne et de grande taille au Canada. En 2008, le niveau de la productivite du travail, mesure par le produit interieur brut nominal par heure travaillee, des grandes entreprises...
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Les immobilisations incorporelles sont constituees des investissements qui n'ont pas les caracteristiques materielles solides des machines et du materiel ou des immeubles. Neanmoins, ces investissements partagent certaines caracteristiques avec d'autres types d'investissements du fait qu'ils...
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