Showing 1 - 10 of 303
In recent years there has been a surge of interest in private toll roads as an alternative to public free-access road infrastructure. Private toll roads have gained favour for a variety of reasons, including theirpotential to alleviate traffic congestion, shrinking public funds for road...
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This paper investigates the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in the Vickrey bottleneck model when each user controls a positive fraction of total traffic. Users simultaneously choose departure schedules for their vehicle fleets. Each user internalizes the congestion cost that each of its...
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Le but de cette Table Ronde est d'évaluer les effets économiques des grands projets d'infrastructures de transport. On parle de grands projets pour désigner les bonds qualitatifs, qu'il s'agisse de négocier le tracé d'anneaux autoroutiers ou ferroviaires venant recouper la dispersion des...
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The purpose of this Round Table is to assess the economic effects of major transport infrastructure projects. The term "major projects" is used to designate qualitative leaps, be it the mapping out of new road or rail rings to link disparate radial penetration routes or the introduction of...
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Certains domaines associés aux thèmes discutés ici échappent à mes compétences, comme par exemple l’évaluation des risques et des défauts de sûreté dans les transports. Ce qui m’a convaincu de l’importance de ce sujet, ce sont quelques conclusions très générales, je dirais...
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Certain areas related to the topics under discussion here lie outside my field; for instance the evaluation of risk assessment and security deficiencies in the transport sector. What has convinced me of the importance of this subject are a few very general conclusions, indeed I would say,...
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