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The publication Privatization without Capital consists of three studies linked by an institutional view on selected issues of the Czech economic transformation. In the first paper, Karel Kouba presents the theoretical background of liberalization stabilization and privatization policies in...
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The crucial problem of privatisation, and of the Czech economy transformation in the broad sense cannot be seen in the used forms of property right transformation and in the speed of privatisation and transformation steps. The basic problem consists in an institutional and ethical deficit. The...
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This is in support of the governement program of transformation from the Soviet-type economy, to the free market economy in Czechoslovakia after the fall of Communism. The basic lines of the government program, that was outlined by Vaclav Klaus, are defended against the leftis criticism that...
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Soudobá ekonomie oèima tøí generací pøedních akademických pøedstavitelù pùsobících na Institutu ekonomických studií shrnuje pøíspìvky z konference 20 let poté, konané pøi pøíležitosti 20. výroèí vzniku Institutu 18. øíjna 2010. Sborník pøedstavuje tematicky...
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