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In November 2005, Glenys Kinnock, Co-President of the ACP EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, reported that “there are more nurses from Malawi in Manchester than in Malawi and more doctors from Ethiopia in Chicago than Ethiopia.”1 These Africans had been lured North by work permits targeted at...
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The Millennium Development Goals, the aid effectiveness agenda, and global interdependence have contributed to more demand and a sense of urgency for greater public awareness and learning about these promises, and challenges, in OECD countries. Donors and practitioners could make greater use of...
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Managing migration has become a priority for policy makers both in developed and developing countries; it is a difficult challenge indeed. Large immigration or emigration flows relative to domestic population’s impact on almost all aspects of an economy and society: family structures,...
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Summary of trends on public opinion and international development co-operation in OECD DAC member countries: <I>i)</I> Public support in OECD DAC member countries for helping poor countries has remained consistently high for almost two decades: there is no aid fatigue; <I>ii)</I> Donations from the public to...</i></i>
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Monitoring changes in public awareness and attitudes in rich countries towards aid and other international development policy issues is extremely difficult: due to lack of systematic polling or monitoring, there is no reliable, comparable data across DAC member countries. This paper suggests a...
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Decentralisation has been advocated by donors and development agencies as an important factor broadening citizen participation and improving local governance, thereby promoting poverty reduction from the bottom up. On the basis of a comprehensive review of 19 country case studies documented in...
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This report evaluates the evidence on how migration may promote or hinder development in countries of origin, and explores possible win-win solutions for both sending and receiving countries. The analysis of recent OECD data of foreign-born nationals into Europe documents the presence of...
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La gestion des migrations – problème complexe s’il en est – fait désormais partie des priorités des décideurs, dans les pays développés comme dans les pays en développement. Lorsque les flux migratoires – émigration ou immigration – sont importants pour la population d’un...
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Les objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD), la nécessaire efficacité des programmes d’aide et l’interdépendance mondiale ont contribué à développer la demande et le sentiment de l’urgence d’une meilleure sensibilisation et formation du public à ces promesses et à...
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L’impact des migrations sur le développement varie selon le profil des migrants, leur destination et la manière dont les pays d’origine s’ajustent à ces départs. Loin de se compenser mutuellement, les migrations et les politiques de développement se complètent. L’impact positif des...
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