Showing 1 - 10 of 11
We consider forecasting with factors, variables and both, modeling in-sample using Autometrics so all principal components and variables can be included jointly, while tackling multiple breaks by impulse-indicator saturation.  A forecast-error taxonomy for factor models highlights the impacts...
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We evaluate automatically selecting the relevant variables in an econometric model from a large candidate set.  General-to-specific selection is outlined for a constant model in orthogonal variables, where only one decision is required to select, irrespective of the number of regressors (N T)...
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Unrestricted reduced form vector autoregressive (VAR) models have become a dominant research strategy in empirical macroeconomics since Sims (1980) critique of traditional macroeconometric modeling. They are however subjected to the curse of dimensionality. In this paper we propose...
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Our strategy for automatic selection in potentially non-linear processes is: test for non-linearity in the unrestricted linear formulation; if that test rejects, specify a general model using polynomials, to be simplified to a minimal congruent representation; finally select by encompassing...
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Structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) models have emerged as a dominant research strategy in empirical macroeconomics, but suffer from the large number of parameters employed and the resulting estimation uncertainty associated with their impulse responses. In this paper we propose...
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Although a general unrestricted model may under-specify the data generation process, especially when breaks occur, model selection can still improve over estimating a prior specification.  Impulse-indicator saturation (IIS) can 'correct' non-constant intercepts induced by location shifts in...
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Unpredictability arises from intrinsic stochastic variation, unexpected instances of outliers, and unanticipated extrinsic shifts of distributions.  We analyze their properties, relationships, and different effects on the three arenas in the title, which suggests considering three associated...
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Model selection from a general unrestricted model (GUM) can potentially confront three very different environments: over-, exact, and under-specification of the data generation process (DGP).  In the first, and most-studied setting, the DGP is nested in the GUM, and the main role of...
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General unrestricted models (GUMs) may include important individual determinants, many small relevant effects, and irrelevant variables.  Automatic model selection procedures can handle perfect collinearity and more candidate variables than observations, allowing substantial dimension reduction...
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Even in scientific disciplines, forecast failures occur.  Four possible states of nature (a model is good or bad, and it forecasts well or badly) are examined using a forecast-error taxonomy, which traces the many possible sources of forecast errors.  This analysis shows that a valid model can...
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