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Poverty is typically measured in different ways in developing and advanced countries. The majority of developing countries measure poverty in absolute terms, using a poverty line determined by the monetary cost of a predetermined basket of goods. In contrast, most analyses of poverty in advanced...
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This paper examines the relationship between household structures, the institutions that shape them and physical and human capital accumulation using household and individual data from China, Indonesia, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. Household structures differ greatly across countries and are very...
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High quality institutions lower transaction costs, encourage trust, reinforce property rights and avoid the exclusion of sections of the population. Overcoming institutional bottlenecks that constrain entrepreneurial activities and the development of the private sector is a prerequisite for...
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La diversité des cultures se reflète dans celle des structures de ménage et des formes d’épargne. Ces relations familiales et ces formes d’épargne créent des incitations différentes pour l’accumulation de capital matériel et humain Les politiques publiques peuvent changer ces...
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L’économie informelle est difficile à quantifier, mais, quel que soit l’indicateur retenu, elle est très répandue en Amérique latine : elle concernerait environ la moitié de la population active de cette région. Au Mexique, seul pays latino-américain membre de l’OCDE, quelque 60...
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L’existence d’un cadre institutionnel cohérent en appui à l’investissement, au commerce et aux mécanismes de représentation est une condition préalable indispensable pour le développement de l’agriculture.
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En Amérique latine, l’investissement étranger dans les télécommunications se chiffre à plus de 110 milliards de dollars depuis 1990. Seuls des marchés concurrentiels et des politiques favorisant l’accès aux télécommunications peuvent réduire l’écart de connectivité entre riches...
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Foreign investment in telecommunications in Latin America has amounted to over $110 billion since 1990, more than for all other developing countries combined. Only one in four of the poorest Latin Americans has a telephone line; competitive markets and policies promoting access can help narrow...
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Different cultures entail both a great diversity of household structures and different saving patterns. The diversity of family relations and saving patterns creates different incentives for physical and human capital accumulation. Policies can alter saving incentives and create the conditions...
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Although hard to measure, informality is by all accounts high in Latin America: about half of the region’s working population can be considered informal. In Mexico, the only Latin American country that belongs to the OECD, up to 60 per cent of non-agricultural workers – almost 22 million...
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