Showing 1 - 10 of 604
In keinem neu entstehenden Wirtschaftszweig werden die Chancen und Risiken so kontrovers und gleichzeitig so undifferenziert diskutiert wie in der Gentechnik. Unter diesem Sammel-begriff sind jedoch verschiedene Forschungsansätze wie z.B. das Klonen oder die pränatale Diagnostik zu fassen. Wir...
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The combination of enterprises is not a phenomenon of the last years. The concept of the "Mergers & Acquisitions" is based on fundamental economic theories, which are however often overlaid in the discussion by populist motives for the merger or acquisition in that particular case. This article...
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Taking into account recent health care reforms in Germany a change of the structure in the provision of HIV health care services seems inevitable. Having this in mind representatives of multiple disciplines met in November 2008 to discuss future health-political and health-economic challenges...
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In recent years the insurance industry has been subject to a deeply structural change. The deregulation of markets in Europe and the globalization of insurance markets let to an intense competition with shrinking gross revenue and benefits. This change led to changes in the management of assets...
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Integrated health care is one of the major issues in German health care policy at this moment. This is due to recent changes in social security law, which now allows for direct contracts between providers and statutory health insurances. The changes were enacted in January 2004 and thus far over...
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Objective: To obtain detailed real-world data on persistence and dosing patterns in the utilisation of the TNF inhibitors adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients treated in Germany. Methods: In this retrospective observational study claims data of a major...
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Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory disease with severe effects on the functional ability of patients. Due to the prevalence of 0.5 to 1.0 percent in western countries, new treatment options are a major concern for decision makers with regard to their budget impact....
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In jüngster Vergangenheit hat die Versicherungswirtschaft einen grundlegenden Wandel durchlaufen. Deregulierung, Globalisierung sowie Substitutionskonkurrenz führten zu einem verschärften Wettbewerb um Marktanteile bei sinkenden Gewinnmargen. Aufgrund dieser neuen Wettbewerbsdynamik und den...
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Integrierte Versorgung ist einer der Schlagbegriffe, die momentan die gesundheitspolitische Debatte in Deutschland bewegen. In den letzten zwei Jahren wurden bereits über 2.000 verschiedene Verträge zwischen Krankenhäusern, Ärzten und Krankenkassen geschlossen, über die 4 Millionen...
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