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This empirical study analyzes market and currency risk premia during financial and political crises within the theoretical framework of the international asset pricing model of Adler and Dumas (1983). The econometric specification extends the multivariate GARCH approach of De Santis and Gerard...
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We propose a new method for pricing options based on GARCH models with filtered historical innovations. In an incomplete market framework we allow for different distributions of the historical and the pricing return dynamics enhancing the model flexibility to fit market option prices. An...
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We propose a simple class of semiparametric multivariate GARCH models, allowing for asymmetric volatilities and time-varying conditional correlations. Estimates for time-varying conditional correlations are constructed by means of a convex combination of estimates for averaged correlations...
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We propose a multivariate nonparametric technique for generating reliable scenarios and confidence intervals for the term structure of interest rates from historical data. The approach is based on a functional gradient descent (FGD) estimation of the conditional mean vector and the conditional...
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Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are in the process of becoming, liquid and extremelyinformative instruments of default risk. Yet, default swap market has severalnovel aspects that have not received much attention. In this paper we studyan aspect of CDS´s that relates to the prediction of financial...
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In this paper, we investigate how investors who face both equity risk andcredit risk would optimally allocate their financial wealth in a dynamic continuous-time setup. We model credit risk through the defaultable zero-coupon bond and solve the dynamics of its price after pricing it. Using...
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The first four conditional moments of the integrated variance implied by the GARCH diffusion process are derived analytically. Based on these moments and on a power series method an analytical approximation formula to price European options under the GARCH diffusion model is obtained. Monte...
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In this paper we develop a structural model of counterparty risk . In particular we provide closed form formulae for the price of risky debt and equity, which depend up on the lending/borrowing relationships in the economy. Our model applies to completely general lender/borrower relationships,...
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This paper presents a utility-based approach to value the borrower optimal behavior in presence of credit risk. The paper solves for the dynamic portfolio choices of a borrower. We thereby show that the presence of debt leads to a substantial modification in the borrower's behavior across states...
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We develop intuitive expressions for the spread between a forwardcontract and a similar futures contract taking into account the pos-sibility of counterparty default. We evaluate these expressions nu-merically and show that the forward-futures spread is significant forrealistic parameter...
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