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This paper deals with the relationship between management quality, firm size, and managerial compensation.
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The paper enquires into the short run effect (2001-2005) of China’s entry into the WTO on its economic growth. We conclude there is no economic hazard with a …nding that China’s economy would enjoy a higher survival probability of economic growth rate and better protection of consumer...
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Ludewig and Sadowski (2009) empirically examine the economic value of organizationalcapital. They use a comprehensive panel data set from the Institute for EmploymentResearch (IAB) that provides standard information about inputs and outputs of theproduction process of German corporate...
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Wenn es um die Mitbestimmung im Aufsichtsrat geht, kochen nach wie vor die Emotionen hoch. In Gastkommentaren in „Der Aufsichtsrat“ liefern sich Theodor Baums und Marcus Lutter (2009, S. 153) einen heftigen Schlagabtausch mit Roland Köstler von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (2009, S. 137)....
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Erst seit wenigen Jahren erkennen Unternehmen häufiger, dass die Unternehmensreputation einen wichtigen Einfluss auf den Markterfolg des Unternehmens haben kann. Mit Reputation verbindet man das Ansehen bzw. den Ruf eines Unternehmens, wie es von Außenstehenden wahrgenommen wird. Der...
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There is common consensus that executive compensation is strongly tied to firm size and much less so to financial performance. One suspects that observed strategic change in corporations may have an effect on these results. Based on multi-tasked theoretical considerations, our evidence for...
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Ludewig and Sadowski (2009) empirically examine the economic value of organizationalcapital. They use a comprehensive panel data set from the Institute for EmploymentResearch (IAB) that provides standard information about inputs and outputs of theproduction process of German corporate...
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In the following article, we propose ananalytical framework for the analysis of Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) Standards based on the paradigmaticnexus of voice and entitlement. We follow thetheory of decentration and present the concept ofTransnational Norm-Building Networks (TNNs),...
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