Showing 1 - 10 of 125
BAckground/Structure of IAIS, The International Solvency Requirements (ISR) Framework, Standards and Guidance, Future Standards and Guidance, Future Possibilities - Interactive session...
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For insurers conducting traditional activities: prudential measures need to recognize the medium and long term nature of the liabilities; appropriate buffers should be used effectively to minimize pro-cyclical effects...
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Critical examination and reviwe of U.S Solvency Framework; Modernize, Modify, Ecpand, Eliminate, Enhance U.S regulatory system as appropriate; Examine international developments for potential use in U.S insurance regulation...
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Financial crisis an insurance, Ten consequences for Risk Management and Supervision, Conclusion regarding an IGF...
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1,5 trillion USD of writedowns; an unprecedent use pf crisis management tools; The cost of the crisis; Crisis Management: main issues...
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The process; A case for EU action; IGS in MS of the EU/EAA; Design Features; The outcome: What size?...
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U.S. policy holder protection; U.S. garanty fund system; Notable Features...
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Three propositions: Insurance Companies can be systemic importance; Insurance companies should be subject to tougher regulation and supervision; Risks should be assessed on a group-wise basis...
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All enterprises in the DJ sector Titans Insurance Index operate as groups of companies, and many other insurance groups exist, including legal entities domiciled in different jurisdictions...
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The importance of supervisory colleges has been underscored by the various international fora. The IAIS has responded in a timely manner with a guidance paper and is actively following-up to improve further the functioning of supervisory colleges...
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