Showing 81 - 90 of 951
[...]This article explores the inflation puzzle andinvestigates whether compensation has acted as either atemporary restraint on inflation or as the underlying sourceof a new inflation regime.2 After reviewing the recent behavior of inflation, we specify and estimate a traditionalprice-inflation...
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Many features of the German monetary targetingregime are also key elements of inflationtargeting in the other countries examined inthis study. Indeed, as pointed out in Bernanke and Mishkin(1997), Germany might best be thought of as a “hybrid”inflation targeter, in that it has more in common...
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[...]This paper traces the evolution of Fedwire fromtwelve separate payment operations, linked only by aninterdistrict communications arrangement, to a more unifiedand efficient system. Our account highlights both thedifficulties the Federal Reserve encountered as it soughtto standardize and...
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[...]In this study, we use recent historical evidence toexplore one dimension of the broad relationship betweenmarket returns and mutual fund flows: the effect of shorttermmarket returns on mutual fund flows. Research onthis issue has already confirmed high correlations betweenmarket returns and...
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[...]This article significantly advances the literature onmortgage prepayments by introducing quantitative measuresof individual homeowner credit histories to the loan-levelanalysis of the factors influencing the probability that a homeownerwill refinance. In addition to credit histories, we...
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This paper explores the connections betweenbroad economic indicators in the New Yorkmetropolitan region and their national counterparts.It compares the performance of theregion in recent years with that of the nation and assessesthe importance of national and local developments for thearea’s...
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[...]This paper analyzes the industrial restructuringprocess in the New York metropolitan area in the first halfof the 1990s.1 It shows that the restructuring was accompaniedby a decline in the labor force, particularly in NewYork, where the decline persisted through the first half ofthe 1990s....
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The largest U.S. commercial banks are currently in theprocess of restructuring their retail operations. A stagnantdeposit base and intense competition in the marketplacefor financial services have made the overhead costs of anextensive branch network increasingly onerous. At thesame time,...
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As correctly noted by Matthew Drennan in his paper forthis conference, the nature of the transformation that hasoccurred in the New York metropolitan region since 1989is rather mixed. Although the region has regained onlyhalf of the 625,000 jobs it lost during the 1989-92 period,aggregate...
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The securities industry in the New York–New Jerseyregion is currently enjoying strong growth in employmentand salaries. The industry is particularly important to theregion because it is concentrated locally and pays highwages. Although vulnerable to stock and bond marketfluctuations, the...
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