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We use a panel vector autoregressions model to examine the coevolution of changes in happinessand changes in income, health, marital status as well as employment status for the BritishHousehold Panel Survey (BHPS) data set. This technique allows us to simultaneously analyzethe impact of the...
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Subjective well-being is a complex phenomenon coevolving with events in important do-mains of life. Panel vector autoregressions are a suitable tool to analyze the underlyingstructure of changes in happiness and its coevolution with changes in income, health, wor-ries, marital status and...
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While there is little doubt that innovations drive economic growth, their effects on well-being areless clear. One reason for this are ambivalent effects of innovations on well-being that result frompecuniary and technological externalities of innovations, argued to be inevitable. Another...
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In recent economic literature, there has been an increasing interest in modellingpreferences as endogenous. Some arguments go along the lines that institutions shapepreferences. This paper suggests that adopting a more substantive concept ofpreferences furthers our understanding of how they...
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While several plots of the aggregate age distribution suggest that rm age is expo-finentially distributed, we find some departures from the exponential benchmark. At thelower tail, we find that very young establishments are more numerous than expected,but they face high exit hazards. At the...
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Inter-rm competition has received much attention in the theoreticalliterature, but recent empirical work suggests that the growth rates of ri-val rms are uncorrelated, and that rm growth can be taken as an essen-tially independent process. We begin by investigating the correlations of thegrowth...
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Our empirical literature review shows that little is known about how firm performance changes withage, presumably because of the paucity of data on firm age. For Spanish manufacturing firms, weanalyse the firm performance related to firm age between 1998 and 2006. We find evidence thatfirms...
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This paper is an empirical test of the hypothesis that the appropriateness of differentbusiness strategies is conditional on the firm’s distance to the industry frontier. We usedata on four 2-digit high-tech manufacturing industries in the US over the period 1972-1999, and apply...
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We attempt to describe the coevolution of employment growth, sales growth andgrowth of profits in a panel of French manufacturing firms 1996-2004. Our analysisentails ‘recursive’ panel vector autoregressions, whereby we impose the structure of employmentgrowth leading to contemporaneous...
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We apply a panel vector autoregression model to a firm-level longitudinal databaseto observe the co-evolution of sales growth, employment growth, profits growth andgrowth of R&D expenditure. Contrary to expectations, profit growth seems to havelittle detectable effect on R&D investment. Instead,...
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