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We study a variant of the conventional keeping-up-with-the-Joneses setup in whichheterogeneous-ability agents care both about consumption and leisure and receive anutility premium if their consumption exceeds that of the Joneses’. Unlike the conventionalsetup in which all agents are assumed to...
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In an overlapping generations model, momentary equilibria are defined as points that lieon the intergenerational offer curve, i.e., they satisfy agents’ optimality conditions and marketclearing at any date. However, some dynamic sequences commencing from such points may notbe considered valid...
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Much of Africa has been ravaged by the AIDS epidemic. There, heterosexual contactis the primary mode of transmission for the HIV virus. Even when access to condomsis good and their price low, a large fraction of young Africans continue to engage inunprotected sex. In this paper, we propose a...
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This paper proposes several new tests for structural change in themultivariate linear regression model. One of the most popular alternatives are Sup-Wald type tests along the lines of Bai, Lumsdaine and Stock (1998), which Bernard,Idoudi, Khalaf and Yélou (2007) show to have very large size...
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The “End Racial Profiling Act of 2001” (ERPA) states that “nolaw enforcement agent or law enforcement agency shall engage in racial profiling” andmandates states to “collect detailed data on stops, searches, seizures, and arrests.” Wedevelop a stylized dynamic model of highway...
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The Friedman rule, a widely studied prescription for monetary policy, is optimal inTownsend’s turnpike model of money; it is not so in the overlapping generations versionof his stochastic relocation model of money. We investigate these monetary models inthe light of this disparity. To that...
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Chakraborty [Journal of Economic Theory, 2004] introduces endogenousmortality in a two period overlapping generations model by postulating thatthe probability of surviving from the first period to the second depends on taxfundedpublic health. His central result on the existence of multiple...
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