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Most traditional parametric and nonparametric regression methods operate under the assumption that the true function is continuous over the design space. For methods such as ordinary least squares polynomial regression and local polynomial regression the functional estimates are constrained to...
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In typical normal theory regression, the assumption ofhomogeneity of variances is often not appropriate.Instead of treating the variances as a nuisance andtransforming away the heterogeneity, the structure ofthe variances may be of interest and it is desirable tomodel the variances. Aitkin...
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Time Series of water quality variables typically possess many of several characteristics which complicate analysis. Of interest to researchers is often the trend over time of the water quality variable. However, sometimes water quality variable levels appear to increase or decrease monotonically...
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Since the mid 1980's many statisticians have studied methods for combining parametric andnonparametric esimates to improve the quality of fits in a regression problem. Notably in 1987,Einsporn and Birch proposed the Model Robust Regression estimate (MRR1) in which estimatesof the parametric...
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One form of model robust regression (MRR) predicts mean response as a convexcombination of a parametric and a nonparametric prediction. MRR is a semiparametricmethod by which an incompletely or an incorrectly specified parametric model can beimproved through adding an appropriate amount of a...
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The generalized linear model (GLM) is a popular model in many research areas. In theGLM, each outcome of the dependent variable is assumed to be generated from a particulardistribution function in the exponential family. The mean of the distribution depends onthe independent variables. The link...
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<CENTER><H4>An Analysis of the Financial Incentives Impact on the Utility Demand-Side Management Programs</h3></center><p align="justify"> Many utilities implement the financial incentive plans in promoting their Demand-Side Management (DSM) programs. The plans are intended to reduce the customer investment cost for a high efficiency...</p></h4>
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This study presents a multi-attribute decision making (MADM) frameworkin support of strategic resource planning of electric utilities. Study efforts have focusedon four technical issues identified to be essentially important to the process of strategicresource development, i.e., decision data...
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Estimation of nonlinear models findsapplications in every field of engineering andthe sciences. Much work has been done tobuild solid statistical theories for its use andinterpretation. However, there has been littleanalysis of the tolerance of nonlinear modelestimators to deviations from...
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For simple regression with replication and fixed carriers, we determine the highest possible exact fit point of a regression equivariant estimator and show that it is less than 50% (even asymptotically). We determine the optimal value of the quantile index in the Least median of squares and...
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