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The financial management of a company's activity is an inseparable part of effective government and rational decisions' admittance. The problem of a research is associated with the needs and possibilities of effective logistics financial management in a company. The baced on financial findings...
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The thesis goal – analysis of main difficulties of stocks supply to Lithuanian plants and presentation of possible solutions acording to the experience and practice of supply management in foreign countries. The main goal of stocks supply is to satisfy the needs of engineering by materials...
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Inovatyvaus verslo vertinimas - itin svarbus modernaus verslo, augančio į ateitį, valdymo uždavinys. Šio darbo pagrindinis tikslas - suformuoti galimus inovatyvaus verslo matavimo bei vertinimo metodus. Sekant nusibrėžta kryptimi, išnagrinėti inovacinio turto matavimo rodikliai,...
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The dissertation investigates the issues of oligopolic markets and strategic decisions of enterprises acting therein. The object of the research is forming competitive strategy of enterprise acting in oligopolic market. Topicality and value of the research are predicated on common occurrence of...
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Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos oligopolinės rinkos ir jose veikiančių įmonių strateginiai sprendimai. Tyrimo objektas yra oligopolinėje rinkoje veikiančios įmonės konkurencinės strategijos formavimas. Tyrimo aktualumas ir reikšmė grindžiami oligopolinės struktūros paplitimu Lietuvos...
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