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Studying the development of credit institutions in the economy is relevant as there is a strong relationship between the activity of the financial institutions and the economic growth as well as the economic stability. The changes in the European financial services sector are related to the...
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Disertacijoje nagrinėjama aktuali šešėlinės ekonomikos vertinimo problema. Mokslininkai pripažįsta, kad dabartinis šešėlinės ekonomikos vertinimo metodinis potencialas yra nepakankamas: šio reiškinio mastas vertinamas taikant netiesioginius makroekonominius metodus, priimant...
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The dissertation examines a topical problem of evaluating the shadow economy. The scientists recognize, that the current methodical potential for the shadow economy evaluation is insufficient because the size of the shadow economy is evaluated based on indirect macroeconomic methods, accepting...
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The scientific problem of the dissertation is search of adequacy of the trading portfolio risk management methods and models to the current economic, technological, and informational circumstances of financial institutions. The main features of science novelty characteristic to this research are...
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Šio tyrimo objektas yra akcijų rinka, kuri suvokiama kaip kompleksinė sistema, sudaryta iš bazinių elementų (vertybinių popierių, prekybos infrastruktūros ir atomistinių heterogeninių investuotojų) ir procesų (prognozavimo, investicinių sprendimų priėmimo, finansinių sąskaitų...
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The main object of this study is the stock market, seen as a complex system constituted of basic elements (securities, trading infrastructure and atomistic heterogeneous investors) and process flows (forecasting, investment decision making, trade execution, maintenance of financial records,...
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Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos tiesioginių užsienio investicijų (toliau – TUI) poveikio ekonomikos plėtrai vertinimo problemos. Kaip liudija įvairūs tyrimai, šalių ekonominės politikos, skatinančios užsienio kapitalo srautus, ne visada tinkamos: kai kuriais atvejais TUI neigiamai...
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The thesis attempts to analyse the issues of assessment of the impact of foreign direct investment (hereinafter referred to as FDI) on economic development. According to the results of different research studies, countries’ economic policies stimulating the flows of foreign investment are not...
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The main idea of current PhD thesis is the analysis of bank value and risk interdependence, and that bank value is conected with bank activity riskiness on consistent pattern and that this dependency is advisable to measure on probability basis with simulation modeling. In the work are presented...
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Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos banko vertės ir rizikos sąveikos problemos, ginama tezė, kad banko vertė susijusi su banko veiklos rizikų portfeliu dėsningai ir kad šią priklausomybę tikslinga matuoti per tikimybės ir patikimumo prizmes imitavimo būdu. Darbe pateikiamas susistemintas...
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