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Financial markets are divided into money market and securities market. Although authoress writes shortly about history of securities market and history of the most important Stock Exchanges of the world, the aim of this paperwork is to observe the evaluation of the Lithuanian Securities market....
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This masters diploma paper analyses the influence of business sectors development on the loan portfolios and credit risk of Lithuanian commercial banks. Credit risk management is one of the main internal bank functions, which needs a lot of knowledge, financial resources, competencies and...
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As our country became one of European Union member, we can use the Structural Funds, The Cohesion fund and other funds financial support. If we want to get financial support from the Structural Funds, we should prepare projects according all rules and laws, especially The General Program...
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The purpose of the Thesis is to generalize a scheme of evaluation and to measure competitive ability of Private Company “Vilniaus duona” after the analysis of methodical – academic works on competitive environment. After applying the scheme, it was identified that the Company is...
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The thesis "An estimate of marketing strategy of company „Pro FUTURO”" deals with concepts of planning, strategy, marketing and marketing strategy, strategic planning and marketing strategic planning. The principal steps of marketing strategy formation are being disclosed in the paper. As...
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Lithuania, one of the first post-communistic countries, in large scales started managing and privatising the assets of the state and municipalities. The main goal in privatisation process is to successfully privatise objects owned by the state, attract investments, which might revitalize...
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The development of each countries economy is dependant on international relations. International trade makes big impact on such economical indicators as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), balance of payments, rate of economy growth, unemployment rate, etc. This is why international trade must be...
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This paper examines foreign direct investment (FDI) in Lithuania, analyze the structure and range of investment during period 2000-2006 in the country. Discusses the inflows of investment, distribution of the sectors, main investors, and regions. The paper analyse the efficiency of FDI on the...
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The relevance of the Project. Increase of people employment is one of the basic economical and social problems. The solution of these subjects is connected with economical growth and production development. The subjects of people employment, labour market formation and unemployment are...
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Šis magistro baigiamasis darbas skirtas gamtinių dujų rinkos ekonominio reguliavimo analizei. Liberalizuojamoje gamtinių dujų rinkoje ekonominiu reguliavimu siekiama užtikrinti saugų, patikimą gamtinių dujų tiekimą vartotojams, efektyvią dujų įmonių veiklą bei finansinį...
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