Showing 1 - 10 of 242
The Markowitz problem consists of finding in a financial market a self-financingtrading strategy whose final wealth has maximal mean and minimal variance. Westudy this in continuous time in a general semimartingale model and under coneconstraints: Trading strategies must take values in a...
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It is well known that mean-variance portfolio selection is a time-inconsistent optimalcontrol problem in the sense that it does not satisfy Bellman’s optimalityprinciple and therefore the usual dynamic programming approach fails. We developa time-consistent formulation of this problem, which...
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Let S be an Rd-valued semimartingale and ( n) a sequence of C-valued inte-grands, i.e., predictable, S-integrable processes taking values in some given closedset C(!, t) ⊆ Rd which may depend on the state ! and time t in a predictable way.Suppose that the stochastic integrals ( n · S)...
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We study mean-variance hedging under portfolio constraints in a general semimartingale model. The constraints are formulated via predictable correspondences, meaning that the trading strategy is restricted to lie in a closed convex set which may depend on the state and time in a predictable way....
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The Markowitz problem consists of finding in a financial market a self-financing trading strategy whose final wealth has maximal mean and minimal variance. We study this in continuous time in a general semimartingale model and under cone constraints: Trading strategies must take values in a...
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The Markowitz problem consists of finding in a financial market a self-financing trading strategy whose final wealth has maximal mean and minimal variance. We study this in continuous time in a general semimartingale model and under cone constraints: Trading strategies must take values in a...
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We propose a simplified approach to mean-variance portfolio problems by changingtheir parametrisation from trading strategies to final positions. This allows us to treat,under a very mild no-arbitrage-type assumption, a whole range of quadratic optimisationproblems by simple mathematical tools...
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An equivalent !-martingale measure (E!MM) for a given stochastic process Sis a probability measure R equivalent to the original measure P such that S isan R-!-martingale. Existence of an E!MM is equivalent to a classical absenceof-arbitrage property of S, and is invariant if we replace the...
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We solve the problem of mean-variance hedging for general semimartingale modelsvia stochastic control methods. After proving that the value process of theassociated stochastic control problem has a quadratic structure, we characteriseits three coefficient processes as solutions of semimartingale...
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