Showing 41 - 50 of 703
The report provides an analysis of trends of emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (1980 to 1996) in Europe by total and by main polluting sectors (transport, industry, energy, agriculture). Emissions are compared to agreed international emission reduction targets and ceilings through...
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Die Absicht dieses Berichts ist es, Ministern, Beamten, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und sonstigen Personen, die ein Interesse am Schutz unserer Gewässer haben, einen allgemeinen Überblick über die wichtigsten Wasserprobleme in Europa zu geben. Er ist eine Zusammenfassung der Arbeit der...
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This report is intended to give ministers, senior civil servants, other policy-makers and others with an interest to protect our waters a broad overview of the major water issues in Europe. It represents a distillation of the work undertaken by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its...
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This report is intended to give ministers, senior civil servants, other policy-makers and others with an interest to protect our waters a broad overview of the major water issues in Europe. It represents a distillation of the work undertaken by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its...
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Progress Report September 1999 Work programme of WG 3. WG shall elaborate common calculation and measurements methods for noise from road, rail, air traffic.
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The European Environment Agency and its Topic Centre on Inland Waters is undertaking an assessment of the sustainable use of water in Europe. This report describes the second part of that assessment and looks in particular at demand-side management of water across Europe. It is intended that the...
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Un rapport sur l'évolution de l'environnement paneuropéen faisant suite à "L'environnement de l'Europe: l'évaluation de Dobris" (1995), demandé par les ministres de l'Environnement de toute l'Europe afin de préparer la quatrième conférence des ministres à Aarhus, au Danemark, en juin 1998.
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Progress towards a more sustainable transport system has become imperative in the European Union (EU), as in many other parts of the world. Transport therefore figures prominently in the EU's Sixth environment Action programme (6EAP) and Sustainable Development Strategy. At its June 2001 summit...
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Progress towards a more sustainable transport system has become imperative in the European Union (EU), as in many other parts of the world. Transport therefore figures prominently in the EU's Sixth environment Action programme (6EAP) and Sustainable Development Strategy. At its June 2001 summit...
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This report gives an overview of the main natural and artificial causes and impacts of floods and droughts in western and central European countries, as well as policy responses. It aims to help policy- and decision-makers in their work on preventing and managing such extreme events, as well as...
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