Showing 41 - 50 of 332
In this paper we discuss the rationale for tracing non-original sample members (Non-OSMs) in household panel studies, and in particular in SOEP, and the implications for weighting. We present results on the incidence, survival rates, and thus the relevance of Non-OSMs in the SOEP
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Using a research design that traces siblings preferences for postmaterialistic values in Germany over two decades, this paper provides new evidence on the origins of value preferences. Focusing on Inglehart's thesis of value change, we test the combined socialization and scarcity hypothesis...
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The computation of cross sectional weights in household panels is challenging because household compositions change over time. Sampling probabilities of new household entrants are generally not known and assigning them zero weight is not satisfying. Two common approaches to cross sectional...
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In household panels, typically all household members are surveyed. Because household composition changes over time, so-called following rules are implemented to decide whether to continue surveying household members who leave the household (e.g. former spouses/partners, grown children) in...
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A popular theory of value change states that "postmaterialistic" values such as emancipation and personal development are steadily replacing traditional "materialistic" values such as social advancement and economic security as a result of the ongoing improvement of living conditions since the...
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Individuals with a migration background represent a steadily increasing percentage of Germany's population. Although the majority of individuals with migration background lack German citizenship and are therefore unable to vote, the number of naturalized immigrants continues to rise....
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Die Europäische Union (EU) befindet sich zurzeit in ihrer bisher größten Erweiterungsphase. Nachdem im Jahre 2004 bereits zehn vor allem mittel- und osteuropäische Länder der EU beigetreten sind, werden Bulgarien und Rumänien voraussichtlich 2007 folgen. Der Abschluss der...
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Eine gängige These des Wertewandels lautet: Neue "postmaterialistische" Werte wie Emanzipation und Selbstentfaltung lösen traditionell bürgerliche Werte wie sozialer Aufstieg und ökonomische Sicherheit ab. Ursache diese Wandels, so die Theorie, ist die nachhaltige Verbesserung der...
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Die Partei Die Linke hat in einem Jahr geschafft, was ihre beiden Vorgängerparteien, WASG und PDS, vergeblich versucht haben: Eine in Ost- und Westdeutschland erfolgreiche Kraft politisch links neben der SPD zu etablieren. Auf der Basis der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) wird...
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