Showing 1 - 10 of 14
The evaluation of labor market policies has become an important issue in many Europeancountries. In recent years, a number of them have opened their administrative databases forevaluation studies. The advantages of administrative data are straightforward: they areaccurate, contain a large number...
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In this paper we develop a dynamic structural life-cycle model of labor supplybehavior which fully accounts for the eects of income tax and transfers on la-bor supply incentives. Additionally, the model recognizes the demand side drivenrationing risk that might prevent individuals from realizing...
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In this paper we develop a dynamic structural life-cycle model of labor supply behavior which fully accounts for the effect of income tax and transfers on labor supply incentives. Additionally, the model recognizes the demand side driven rationing risk that might prevent individuals from...
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This paper assesses the dynamics of treatment effects arising from variation in the durationof training. We use German administrative data that have the extraordinary feature that theamount of treatment varies continuously from 10 days to 395 days (i.e. 13 months). Thisfeature allows us to...
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This study analyzes the treatment effects of public training programs for the unemployed inGermany. Based on propensity score matching methods we extend the picture that has beensketched in previous studies by estimating treatment effects of medium-term programs fordifferent sub-groups with...
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In this paper we develop a model to consistently estimate the intertemporal labor supplybehavior on the extensive margin (participation decision) and the intensive margin (workinghours decision). In this framework we distinguish between voluntary non-participation andinvoluntary unemployment...
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The mild response of the German labor market to the worst global recession in post-warhistory appears as an economic miracle. In response to the crisis, Germany has shown to bea strong case of internal flexibility. We argue that important factors that have contributed tothis development include...
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In this paper we provide an overview of China’s human capital strategy and educationalachievements over the last two decades. While every one acknowledges China as aneconomic superpower, very few are aware of or realize China’s notable achievements ineducation as well as its...
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While the allocative efficiency of mobility is typically considered to be positive but small in the long run, the induced changes in equality may be considerable in size. In practice, however, migrants typically improve their income position in comparison to those at home, stimulate the economic...
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The request for a strengthening of academic research at the German economic researchinstitutes by the German Science Council more than a decade ago was founded on thecrucial insight that sound policy advice - the traditional task of the institutes - can only beguaranteed in the long term if it...
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