Showing 21 - 30 of 68
This paper starts from four observations: (1) voter turnout is declining in established democracies; (2) low turnout means socio-economically unequal turnout; (3) compulsory voting is an effective means to increase turnout; (4) even low-turnout countries, however, have neither introduced nor...
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Empirical studies have shown that US politics is heavily tilted in favor of the better off, as political decisions tend to reflect the preferences of the rich while largely ignoring those of the poor and middle classes. These findings have prompted a lively debate about potential mechanisms that...
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In this paper, we take up the burgeoning debate about the underrepresentation of the working class in politics. In the literature section we discuss theories of group representation and look at recent empirical studies of responsiveness that have begun to disaggregate public opinion by...
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Bundestagswahlen, Landtagswahlen, Kom­munalwahlen, Europawahlen - seit Jahren sinkt die Wahlbeteiligung in Deutschland. Doch was steht hinter diesem Trend und was bedeutet er für die Demokratie? Armin Schäfer beantwortet diese Frage umfassend und zeigt, dass wachsende soziale Ungleich­heit...
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In this article, we ask whether the presence of populist parties influences the negative effect of income inequality on voter turnout. A number of studies have shown that voter turnout is lower in unequal countries. In particular, citizens with fewer resources abstain at higher rates. Since...
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At first glance, the social purpose and the democratic potential of the EU have made progress in the last 15 years. However, this impression is misleading. We argue instead that the social and democratic potentials of the EU are crucially shaped by the heterogeneity of European varieties of...
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Seit der Europäischen Währungsunion verfügt die Europäische Union über wirtschaftspolitische Kompetenzen, die bisher den Nationalstaaten vorbehalten waren. Der neu gewonnenen geldpolitischen Entscheidungsmacht der EU steht jedoch die nationale Souveränität in Fragen der Wirtschafts- und...
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In der Europäischen Union gibt es unterschiedliche Sozial- und Kapitalismusmodelle. Mit jeder Erweiterungsrunde hat die institutionelle Vielfalt der Mitgliedstaaten zugenommen. Gleichzeitig hat die politische und wirtschaftliche Integration Europas an Intensität gewonnen. Die Beiträge dieses...
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