Showing 1 - 10 of 216
We examine the effect of citizen initiatives on finished residential area in the German federal state of Bavaria. There is already a prominent literature on the fiscal effect of initiatives and political economic reasons that drive urban development. Yet, there is almost no literature that links...
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In 1990, during reunification, West German democratic institutions and the existing political party system were expanded to the East German states. Even after 25 years, the people of eastern and western Germany still differ in their political engagement and attitudes. However, these differences...
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Im Jahr 1990 wurden im Zuge der Wiedervereinigung die westdeutschen demokratischen Institutionen und das bestehende Parteiensystem auf die ostdeutschen Bundesländer ausgeweitet. Auch 25 Jahre danach unterscheiden sich die Menschen in Ost- und Westdeutschland weiterhin in ihrem politischen...
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The regional dispersion of local public investment in Germany is very uneven. Even a comparison between the states shows considerable differences in gross investment. Municipalities in Bavaria currently invest more than three times as much per capita as those in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania....
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Die kommunalen Investitionen sind in Deutschland regional sehr ungleich verteilt. Schon der Vergleich zwischen den Flächenländern zeigt deutliche Unterschiede bei den Bruttoinvestitionen. So gaben die Kommunen Bayerns im Jahr 2013 mehr als drei Mal so viel pro Einwohner für Investitionen aus...
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Recently, the channels of citizen participation in Germany with regard to governmental processes are subject to change. Classical interaction between politicians and citizens still takes place. However, there are new tools for participation at hand as well. One interesting channel that attracted...
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We analyze a constitutional change in the German State of Bavaria where citizens, not politicians, granted themselves more say in politics at the local level through a constitutional initiative at the state level. This institutional setting allows us to focus on revealed preferences for direct...
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In this short note, we use data from different elections in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia between 1975 and 2010 to show that the social democrats generally profit from higher voter turnout at the expense of the conservatives. We deal with the endogeneity of voter turnout by using...
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Auch in Berlin sind öffentliche Investitionen entscheidend für die Lebenszufriedenheit der Menschen und Voraussetzung für eine positive wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. DieBetätigungsfelder für öffentliche Investitionen sind vielfältig. Aufgaben für Berlin sind unter anderem ein...
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We study a constitutional change in the German State of Bavaria where citizens, not politicians, granted themselves more say in politics at the local level through a state initiative election. This institutional setting allows us to observe revealed preferences for direct democracy and to...
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