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Climate change affects on insect populations in many ways: it can cause a shift in geographical spread, abundance, or diversity, it can change the location, the timing and the magnitude of outbreaks of pests and it can define the phenological or even the genetic properties of the species....
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In this paper five different models, as five modules of a complex agro-ecosystem are investigated. The water and nutrient flow in soil is simulated by the nutrient-in-soil model while the biomass change according to the seasonal weather aspects, the nutrient content of soil and the biotic...
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Setting out from the database of Operophtera brumata, L. in between 1973 and 2000 due to the Light Trap Network in Hungary, we introduce a simple theta-logistic population dynamical model based on endogenous and exogenous factors, only. We create an indicator set from which we can choose some...
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A klímaváltozás ökológiai hatásainak elemzésével kapcsolatos tudományos eredményeink megközelítési módjukat tekintve az alábbi hat fő csoportba oszthatók: 1. Az elméleti várakozások tisztázása stratégiai modellezéssel. 2. Lehetséges hatások mértékének behatárolása...
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Historically, grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf characterisation has been a driving force in the identification of cultivars. In this study, ampelometric (foliometric) analysis was done on leaf samples collected from hand-pruned, mechanically pruned and minimally pruned ‘Sauvignon blanc’...
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A ma rendelkezésre álló informatika infrastruktúra, a naponta gyarapodó adat- és tudásbázisok az extrém időjárási események gyakoriságának statisztikailag igazolható változásait, várható eltolódásait számszerűsítik. Tanulmányunkban a Magyarország területére...
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Our aim was to approach an important and well-investigable phenomenon – connected to a relatively simple but real field situation – in such a way, that the results of field observations could be directly comparable with the predictions of a simulation model-system which uses a simple...
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