Showing 1 - 10 of 56
A pénzügyi kultúra, különösen annak személyiség-, attitűd- és viselkedésbeli komponenseinek vizsgálata a 2008-as gazdasági világválság óta növekvő figyelmet kap. 2015-ben Magyarországon két kutatás készült a témában. Az egyik pénzügyi személyiségtípusokat veszi...
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Tanulmányunk célja bemutatni a pénzügyisérülékenység-mutató megalkotásának hátterét és módszerét, valamint ez alapján feltárni azokat a demográfiai, szociodemográfiai, tudás-, viselkedés- és attitűdbeli tényezőket, amelyek szignifikáns összefüggést mutatnak a...
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A kutatás célja a különböző szakon oktató pedagógusok (N=752) pénzügyi ismereteinek, attitűdjeinek, magabiztosságának, viselkedésének és motivációinak feltárása. A felmérés különösen fontos, mivel az ő tudásuk, attitűdjük és viselkedésük hatással van az általuk...
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The aim of this paper is to introduce a new method to measure Financial Vulnerability Index (FVI) based on OECD financial literacy survey, and to analyse the 2018 OECD survey data along FVI. The sample used in the article is representative for Hungary (sample size: 1,001). Our analysis sharply...
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The aim of the research is to explore the financial knowledge, attitudes, confidence, behaviour and motivations of teachers (N=752) teaching different subjects. The survey is particularly important because their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours affect the financial awareness of the students...
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The survey conducted in 2012–2013 by the State Audit Office of Hungary and its non-governmental partners examined the financial literacy, financial knowledge and risk appetite among higher education students (n=1,743), as well as the factors influencing the same. Our results show that starting...
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Financial literacy and the need to improve it are getting more attention as a result of the economic crisis. The effectiveness of the programmes that target the improvement of financial literacy depends on knowing what factors influence people’s financial knowledge. This is exactly the reason...
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The intense innovational activity typical of the financial sector in the last 30 years requires households to have increas-ingly comprehensive and complex financial knowledge. The main objective of our study, therefore, was to assess and evaluate risk management activity, which is an integral...
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The intense innovational activity typical of the financial sector in the last 30 years requires households to have increasingly comprehensive and complex financial knowledge. The main objective of our study, therefore, was to assess and evaluate risk management activity, which is an integral...
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The survey conducted in 2012–2013 by the State Audit Office of Hungary and its non-governmental partners examined the financial literacy, financial knowledge and risk appetite among higher education students (n=1,743), as well as the factors influencing the same. Our results show that starting...
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