Showing 1 - 8 of 8
This paper reviews the economic, monetary and financial relations between the EU and the euro area and a set of countries in a broad set of neighbouring regions. The 80 or so countries are mostly classified as transition, emerging or developing economies and belong to four main regions: the...
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Official and unilateral dollarisation/euroisation has become a common policy advice for emerging market economies. Against this background, the paper provides a comprehensive review of all the main cases of dollarisation/euroisation, analysing motives, features and policy implications of this...
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This paper reviews selected aspects of economic relations between the EU and Russia, focusing on the impact that the last two waves of EU enlargement have had on Russia, as well as the role of the euro in Russia. The analysis suggests that if EU enlargement has had any diversion effects on trade...
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Der Abwertungstrend des Euro hält nun schon seit zweieinhalb Jahren an. Wie kann der anhaltende Niedergang erklärt werden? Renate Ohr, Joachim Starbatty und Peter Bofinger nehmen Stellung
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The study analyses the characteristics of professional exchange rate forecasts for the €/US-$ rate. The results indicate that the quality of forecasts produced by profes-sional economists is rather poor and incompatible with the rational expectations hy-pothesis. This dismal result is...
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The ECB has embarked on an uncertain path with the digital euro project. It is pursuing a strategy that is unclear about whatproblems it is trying to solve and what specific goals it is trying to achieve. The ECB has not yet been able to diagnose a clear marketfailure that would justify such...
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Seit seiner Einführung am 1. Januar 1999 hat der Euro über ein Viertel seines Außenwertes verloren. Nachdem alle auf makroökonomischen Fundamentalfaktoren basierenden Ansätze die andauernde Schwäche der europäischen Währung nicht zu erklären vermochten, hat die These, dass die Schwäche...
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Die künftige Entwicklung der Wechselkurse ist für viele wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen von besonderer Bedeutung. Gerade die jüngste Aufwertung des Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar hat deutlich vor Augen geführt, wie negativ sich unerwartete Wechselkursänderungen auswirken können. Um Risiken...
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