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The concept of responsibility is well-known, but its association with tourism and connections with different aspects studied extensively, such as ethics, social responsibility, sustainable development and sustainable tourism, offers multiple research options. The main aim of this article is to...
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The purpose of this paper is to identify the main groups of CEE-16 countries in terms of tourism competitiveness. Competitiveness, as part of the supply side, is addressed in view of the supply-demand correlations, and we consider the attractiveness of tourist destinations from the tourists'...
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After the year 1989 Romanian tourism has grown chaotic and failed to have any link to the concept and sustainable development principles. Sustainability, in general, and the tourism sustainability, especially, combine different aspects – economic, social, environmental etc. in a harmonious...
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From a strictly economic point of view, the notion of competitiveness is defined as the capacity to cope with competition in an effective and efficient manner. World tourism is currently characterized by a strong competition between destinations. The foundations of the tourism destination...
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The purpose of our paper is to briefly assess the role of GDP in measuring growth and welfare or in getting insight into the state of an economy. In this view, we propose a synthetic theoretical and historical review of national accounting, emphasizing the most important ideological...
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Romanian Abstract: Intrată în recesiune în 2012, economia Ungariei a înregistrat în 2013 o creştere economică moderată, ca rezultat al relansării cererii interne, mai ales prin evoluţia favorabilă a investiţiilor productive. Relansarea economiei a generat rezultate pozitive asupra...
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Romanian Abstract: Economia Ungariei și-a în 2014 evoluția favorabilă începută cu un an înainte, înregistrând cel mai înalt ritm de creștere dintre țările emergente și în dezvoltare din sud-estul Europei, cu un maxim atins în primul trimestru al anului. Sprijinită de măsuri...
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Romanian Abstract: Cu primele semne de redresare înregistrate spre finalul anului 2013, economia Spaniei a ieșit din recesiune, specialiștii europeni estimând dublarea ritmului de creștere în 2015. Spre deosebire de perioada anterioară, când exporturile au reprezentat „motorul”...
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