Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The issue of healthy consumption is an extremely timely topic in today's fast-paced world. One of today's ruling trends is health consciousness and the expansion of the health market. The role of health for consumers has been appreciated. People spend more and more to preserve their health. The...
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A The most important question of our study is to find out what pension policy procedures are necessary to effectively respond to the challenges of an aging population as well as changes in the composition of employees. The main issue of our paper is how pension policy can effectively respond to...
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The background of our research considers consumers' awareness about the contents of their food and investigates the labels and wording on food packaging. The 'organic' labels on this packaging hold different levels of importance for Hungarian people based on their age and social-economic status....
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A tanulmányban a szakirodalom áttekintése során feltárt vizsgálandó területek tükrében két, a 2010-es és 2011-es év folyamán lebonyolított országos reprezentatív adatfelvétel eredményeit ismertetjük. A vizsgálatok eredményeire támaszkodva faktorelemzés segítségével...
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The background of our research considers consumers' awareness about the contents of their food and investigates the labels and wording on food packaging. The 'organic' labels on this packaging hold different levels of importance for Hungarian people based on their age and social-economic status....
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In the world of marketing, innovative solutions and new development opportunities will always come into play. They play of the major factor in improving the competitiveness and for consumers needs as well. The aim of the study is to examine and compare the efficiency and effectiveness...
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As a consequence of the demographic tendencies of the developed countries the competition between higher education institutions is more and more intense in order to have and hold students. In this way they are interested in surveying their students' expectations and satisfaction to find out how...
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A szerző tanulmányában Akerlof és Kranton (2002) identitásmodelljét és egy ahhoz kötődő hazai kutatást mutat be. Igazolja, hogy pozitív kapcsolat mutatható ki az egyetem értékeivel való azonosulás, az egyéni hasznosság és az intézmény lehetséges hosszú távú...
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A szerzők tanulmányukban egyetemisták „kontrollosságának” bizonyos magyarázó tényezőit és pénzügyi vonatkozású következményeit térképezik fel. A kontroll arra vonatkozik, hogy mennyire érzi magát felelősnek az egyén a vele történtekért, illetve mennyiben...
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