Showing 91 - 100 of 956
Das Wachstum des Produktionspotenzials wird voraussichtlich zunächst weiter steigen und im Jahr 2018 die höchste Rate seit der Jahrtau­sendwende erreichen. Für den weiteren Verlauf des Projektionszeitraums erwarten wir aber insbe­sondere aufgrund der demografischen Ent­wicklung einen...
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Die deutsche Wirtschaft hat ihre bereits hohe Dreh­zahl weiter gesteigert. Wir erhöhen unsere Prognose für die Zuwachsrate des Bruttoinlandsprodukts für das laufende Jahr auf 2 Prozent (zuvor: 1,7 Prozent) und für das kommende Jahr auf 2,2 Prozent (zuvor: 2 Prozent). Auch im Jahr 2019...
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Die deutsche Konjunktur läuft auf hohen Touren. Wir gehen wie in unserer Frühjahrsprognose davon aus, dass das Bruttoinlandsprodukt im laufenden Jahr um 1,7 Prozent und im Jahr 2018 um 2 Prozent steigen wird. Damit würde die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produk­tion im gesamten Prognosezeitraum mit...
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The German economy is facing strong headwinds. In recent months, economic momentum has continued to slow down and companies are much more pessimistic about the future. The high level of global economic policy uncertainty likely was an important contributing factor. Gross domestic product (GDP)...
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Despite a temporary pick-up in world production at the start of the year, growth will continue to moderate amid a further deterioration in economic sentiment and elevated levels of uncertainty. We expect the global economy to expand at a rate of 3.2 percent this year, reflecting a downward...
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The German economy has shifted down a gear. After still very high economic momentum in Germany until the middle of last year, production stalled noticeably. Temporary stress factors such as the problems of automobile manufacturers with the new WLTP standard and the low water levels in the Rhine...
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The economic upswing in Germany continues, although the expansion loses some steam. Compared to our summer forecast, we reduced our expectations for GDP growth by 0.1 and 0.3 percentage points in the current and next year, respectively, to 1.9 percent (2018) and 2.0 percent (2019). So for now,...
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The upswing in Germany is starting to falter. In the third quarter, the economy shrank for the first time in three years. This decline was primarily due to special factors. In particular, problems with the new vehicle certification standard (WLTP) affected the automotive industry. In addition to...
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The strong economic upswing in Germany has taken a break. For the current year, we revise our GDP growth forecast down by 0.5 percentage points to 2.0 percent. However, the slowdown in economic activity at the beginning of the year is mainly due to temporary factors. We therefore expect growth...
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