Showing 1 - 10 of 176
Dieser Beitrag fasst die Ergebnisse unserer industrieökonomischen, theoretischen Forschung zur Fragestellung von Stabilität und Wandel von Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen zusammen. Wir verfolgen dabei einen wettbewerbsökonomischen Forschungsansatz, der Marktmacht sowohl auf Arbeits- als auch auf...
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"This contribution gives an overview of the main results of our theoretical research on the stability and change of labour market institutions. We use so-called models of unionised oligopolies which are borrowed from the theory of industrial organization in order to analyse the effects of...
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This paper studies competition in the German market for mobile telecommunications, motivated by recent suggestions that T-Mobile and Vodafone possess a position of collective dominance. Allegedly, their position of joint dominance is secured through a combination of first-mover advantages and...
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"This contribution gives an overview of the main results of our theoretical research on the stability and change of labour market institutions. We use so-called models of unionised oligopolies which are borrowed from the theory of industrial organization in order to analyse the effects of...
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Die globale Finanz- und Schuldenkrise hat zu hohen fiskalischen Kosten und erheblichen volkswirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen in Europa geführt. Zu instabil und komplex ist das international verwobene Finanzsystem, zu stark der finanzielle Nexus zwischen Staaten und Banken. Vor diesem Hintergrund...
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Im September 2011 hat das Bundeskartellamt eine Sektoruntersuchung des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels nach §32 e GWB eingeleitet. Im Fokus der Untersuchung sollten "die Wettbewerbsbedingungen auf den Märkten für die Beschaffung von Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln durch die Unternehmen des...
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We re-examine the view that a ban on price discrimination in input markets is particularly desirable in the presence of buyer power. This argument crucially depends on an inverse relationship between downstream firms’ profits and the uniform input price. Assuming different input efficiencies...
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This paper analyses the extent of inter-format retail competition between supermarkets, discounters and drugstores in Germany, using data from the German market for diapers. We estimate a random coefficient logit model at the individual household level. Based on consumer substitution patterns,...
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Research on bargaining power in vertical relationships is scarce. It remains particularly unclear which factors drive bargaining power between negotiating parties in a vertical structure. We use a demand model where consumer demand determines the total pie of industry prots. Moreover, we apply a...
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Given various recent antitrust investigations on the retail sector, we deal with uncovering demand systems substitution patterns for a particular market (diapers) to investigate the inter-format competition (supermarkets vs. discounters vs. drugstores). Using the uncovered demand system we...
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