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Dieses Diskussionspapier präsentiert am Beispiel des Forschungsprojektes "Selbstbild und Fremdbild der Bäuerinnen in Südtirol", das in Kooperation der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien und der Freien Universität Bozen durchgeführt wurde, einen zweistufigen methodischen Ansatz zur Messung...
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Population projections - especially those of the Federal Statistical Office in Germany - are often used for research questions that depend on the future size and structure of the population. Nevertheless, by using the population projections of the Federal Statistical Office the scope of analysis...
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Das Statistische Bundesamt hat am 28.04.2015 nach sechs Jahren eine aktualisierte Fas-sung der koordinierten Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung (KBV) veröffentlicht. In diesem Diskussion-Paper werden die Folgen einer geänderten Bevölkerungsentwicklung beschrieben, indem die volkswirtschafllichen...
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Zur Vorbereitung des Jahresgutachtens 2023/2024 des Sachverständigenrats zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung wurde das IAB um seine Expertise zur Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung, zur Entwicklung der zukünftigen Humankapitalbildung, der Arbeitszeitpräferenzen der...
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Italian manufacturing ¯rms have been losing ground with respect to many of their European competitors. This paper presents some empirical evidence on the e®ects of innovation on employment growth and therefore on ¯rms' productivity with the goal of understanding the roots of such poor...
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In this paper we investigate the way consumption changes around retirement in Italy. Using micro data covering the 1985-96 period, we find that consumption age patterns are similar to those found in the US and other developed countries, despite the much more wide-spread cohabitation of different...
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This paper studies how heterogeneity in income dynamics affects the POUM hypothesis (the idea that poor people do not support high level of redistribution because they hope to be rich in the future). We consider a setting where individuals evaluate their expected future income using both their...
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Recovery in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain is held back in part by structural barriers. Overcoming these requires structural reform and public investment. Given the limited availability of political and financial capital, prioritising reform efforts and spending is important, but difficult....
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This paper analyzes the existing relationship between economic growth and the monitoring of corruption and examines the possible outcome of the implementation of a State reform in order to weed out corruption. Growth is always higher when monitoring is high and therefore corruption eradicated....
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This paper proposes a strategy to increase the efficiency of forecast combining methods. Given the availability of a wide range of forecasting models for the same variable of interest, our goal is to apply combining methods to a restricted set of models. To this aim, an algorithm procedure based...
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