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At the end of the 17th century capitalism had become the new social and economic order in northern Western Europe. Ever since the trading channels through which money and commodities change hands between the different agents, the actual sequence of these all-comprising monetary exchange...
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En este texto exploro la visión de Tocqueville sobre la pobreza y el pauperismo en los tiempos democráticos. Su explicación de fenómenos económicos y sociales asociados al auge de la igualdad, muestra los difíciles dilemas que preveía con la consolidación de la democracia y la creciente...
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En este documento se discuten las principales aproximaciones a la felicidad en la economía de la felicidad: el hedonismo y los enfoques de satisfacción con la vida. Es posible identificar una tensión entre dos principios importantes en esta literatura: 1) los individuos son los mejores jueces...
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In this paper I explore Tocqueville´s views on poverty and pauperism in democratictimes. Tocqueville´s explanation of economic and social phenomena linked to the raiseof equality, show the difficult dilemmas he foresaw with the consolidation of democracy and increasing industrialization. New...
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En el año 2007 se llevo a cabo el proyecto Construyendo Confianza y Capital Social para reducir barreras de exclusión", el cual se desarrolló en seis ciudades capitales latinoamericanas: Bogotá, D.C, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Lima, Montevideo y San José de Costa Rica. Este estudio se propuso...
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La conservación de áreas naturales genera externalidades ambientales positivas que son a su vez bienes públicos. Tradicionalmente la provisión de dichos bienes ha sido considerada como responsabilidad del gobierno, sin embargo, cada día adquiere más relevancia el tema de incentivos para...
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The afro-descendent people of the Sanquianga region in the Colombian Pacific Coast live under particularly extreme poverty conditions. Although highly integrated to markets through very frequent interactions, their access to basic social services and stable income generating activities are...
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We model the dynamic effects of external enforcement on the exploitation of a common pool resource. Fitting our model to the results of experimental data we find that institutions influence social preferences. We solve two puzzles in the data: the increase and later erosion of cooperation when...
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This article contributes to the literature on the impact of transitional justice measures using microfoundational evidence from experiments. We argue that there is a distributional dilemma at the heart of transitional justice programs, given that the State must allocate goods and services both...
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Altruism, understood as the individual disposition to sacrifice personal income to improve someone else´s income can be a rational choice strategy which responds to different motivations, incentives and institutions, in a consistent way with the donor´s optimization logic. In this article we...
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