Showing 1 - 10 of 614
Provision of most public goods (e.g., health care, libraries, education, police, fire protection, utilities) can be … libraries. Our findings suggest that ideological stance of the local government, wealth and density of the local population and …
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This article discusses different ways in which users may be involved in the ideation phase of service innovation and the results and limitations of such involvement. The study compares the use of a blog and two differently setup future workshops (one with users only and the other with a mix of...
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by libraries and information centers. The paper accords librarians with first-hand information to assess all forms of … software before eventual adoption for use. The various types of library software adopted for use by Nigerian Libraries were … work concluded that software adoption and use are essential in modern day's libraries and it also caution libraries to be …
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Rare book and archival materials on loan to libraries and other cultural heritage institutions are very often … provides information on specific ways special collection libraries assess and limit risks presented during exhibition loans to …
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When libraries undertake emergency planning, it is likely that the risks such planning attempts to address are at the … impact of small water incursions on the libraries concerned, how those libraries managed the emergencies, and what lessons … water-related, they are quite different in terms of source, size, impact, recovery time, and frequency. Libraries should be …
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Discrimination in access to public services can act as a major obstacle towards addressing racial inequality. We examine whether racial discrimination exists in access to a wide spectrum of public services in the US. We carry out an email correspondence study in which we pose simple queries to...
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Discrimination in access to public services can act as a major obstacle towards addressing racial inequality. We examine whether racial discrimination exists in access to a wide spectrum of public services in the US. We carry out an email correspondence study in which we pose simple queries to...
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, archives and libraries generally store externally generated research data - what also applies to publication-related data …
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, archives and libraries generally store externally generated research data - what also applies to publication-related data …
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social networking and lack information on which to make decisions. This paper explores the role that libraries may play in … demonstrates the role played by libraries as the provider of public Internet access. It also shows that this role is not without … its difficulties - inadequate levels of resources have been provided to fulfil the multiple roles played by libraries in …
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