Showing 1 - 10 of 47
Die Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP) ist Bestandteil des Regelwerks, das am 13. Dezember 2011 als sogenanntes "Sixpack" in Reaktion auf die europäische Finanz- und Schuldenkrise in Kraft trat. Die Krise hat gezeigt, dass interne und externe Ungleichgewichte eng miteinander verwoben sind....
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The purpose of this contribution is to illustrate the mechanism by which higher oil prices might lead to lower interest rates in the context of a simple model that takes into account the global external savings equilibrium. The simple model has interesting implications for how one views the huge...
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Two of the four macroeconomic adjustment programmes, Portugal and Ireland’s, can be considered a success in the sense that the initial expectations in terms of adjustment, both fiscal and external, were broadly fulfilled. A rebound based on exports has taken hold in these two countries, but a...
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The purpose of this contribution is to illustrate the mechanism by which higher oil prices might lead to lower interest rates in the context of a simple model that takes into account the global external savings equilibrium. The simple model has interesting implications for how one views the huge...
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The purpose of this contribution is to illustrate the mechanism by which higher oil prices might lead to lower interest rates in the context of a simple model that takes into account the global external savings equilibrium. The simple model has interesting implications for how one views the huge...
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This paper deals with potential instabilities in the Eurozone stemming from an insufficient interplay between monetary policy and reform effort on the one hand and the emergence of intra-Euro area divergences on the other. As a first step, we assess the effect of EMU on structural reform and...
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Im Zentrum der Europäischen Union stehen seit jeher Frankreich und Deutschland. Derzeit gehen von Frankreichs Präsidenten Macron Impulse für eine Erneuerung der EU und der Eurozone aus. Bisher war die Partnerschaft mit Frankreich durch häufig unterschiedliche Vorstellungen über...
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What policy objective should a common central bank in a heterogeneous monetary union pursue? Should it base its decisions on the EU-wide average of inflation and growth or should it instead focus on (appropriately weighted) national welfare losses based on national rates of inflation and growth?...
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Im Zentrum der Europäischen Union stehen seit jeher Frankreich und Deutschland. Derzeit gehen von Frankreichs Präsidenten Macron Impulse für eine Erneuerung der EU und der Eurozone aus. Bisher war die Partnerschaft mit Frankreich durch häufig unterschiedliche Vorstellungen über...
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This paper deals with potential instabilities in the Eurozone stemming from an insufficient interplay between monetary policy and reform effort on the one hand and the emergence of intra-Euro area divergences on the other. As a first step, we assess the effect of EMU on structural reform and...
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