Showing 1 - 10 of 23
Autoøi se ve svém èlánku pokoušejí odpovìdìt na otázku, zda proces eliminace neperspektivních firem napomohl oživení èeské ekonomiky na konci 90. let. Pro rok 1999 prokázali vysokou míru podobnosti provozních výsledkù (produktivita práce, pøidaná hodnota na zamìstnance,...
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Celem artykulu jest porownanie efektow finansowych dzialalnosci przedsiebiorstw krajowych i zagranicznych na podstawie dwoch losowo wybranych przedsiebiorstw. Przyjmuje sie, ze zagraniczne przedsiebiorstwa sa nosnikiem nowoczesnych technologii, co wplywa na osiagane przez nie wyniki finansowe,...
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W krajach zachodnich outsourcing od lat jest integralna czescia wielu biznesow, w Polsce zas coraz czesciej postrzegany jest jako efektywne narzedzie i czesc dlugofalowej strategii rozwoju. Mimo iz Polska stawia pierwsze kroki w tym obszarze, to coraz czesciej wymieniana jest wsrod panstw...
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The privatization strategy in many transition economies involved the creation of a special government agency that administered state property during privatization programs as well as after the privatization was declared complete. The National Property Fund (FNM) was the agency in the Czech...
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The paper considers company performance measures and the development of the Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator in volatile economies, particularly in the case of the Czech Republic. Methods used for pyramidal analysis, their assumptions, and their application possibilities are discussed. A...
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Polish Abstract: Podręcznik składa się z sześciu rozdziałów. W pierwszym omówiłem podstawowy system informacyjny przedsiębiorstwa, jakim jest rachunkowość, oraz obligatoryjne sprawozdania finansowe, będące głównym źródłem informacji o przedsiębiorstwie. W rozdziale drugim...
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English Abstract: The development of the Polish corporate bonds market resulted from changes on the supply side. When the Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, Polish entrepreneurs realized that financing their companies' operations only with the use of credit, even if contracted from different...
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In general, there exist many ways to detect the fair value of financial derivatives. However, each of them is suitable for different purposes. For example, when the payoff function is not very simple or the underlying process is too complex, the approach of Monte Carlo simulation can be useful....
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Financial risk modeling, measuring, and managing are an inherent part of management in financial institutions. It is also an important step within the setting of optimal level of capital eligible to cover risk exposures. A significant portion of capital is usually assigned to cover the risk of...
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The article deals with the role of the central banks in advanced market economies and the theoretical possibility of abolishing these institutions. Central banks have monopolies in some areas, especially regarding monetary policy. In many countries, central banks also have monopolies in other...
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