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The Council Regulation (EC) 1698/2005 approved on 20th September 2005 was the starting point of the fourth programme of Rural Development Aid for the period 2007-2013. This communitarian programme affects Andalusia, an European region situated in the south of Spain. The authors of this paper...
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The paper examined whether increasing agricultural output would lead to an expansion of employment in rural areas in the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The paper found that the agricultural development problems in the Caribbean and SSA are very similar, especially, declining export...
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This paper presents the results of a survey about policy preferences collected from agricultural economists at an EAAE Seminar on rural development policy experiences. It documents the diversity in rural development problems and favored tactics across Europe.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the local socioeconomic impacts of new economic development initiatives in North Dakota's rural (nonmetropolitan) communities. This report is the second to present findings from this project; an earlier report analyzed the effects of four new agricultural...
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Rural areas in the United States stand to benefit from new highway funding legislation, especially the South. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) authorizes sharply increased funding for major roads and is the single largest public works bill in U.S. history. Over a...
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Policies to promote and encourage local foods may take many different shapes depending on both the specific targets and strategies. Some policies, especially at a local level, promote supply-chain vertical and horizontal integration as a comprehensive strategy which aims to help firms pursue...
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Tanulmányunkban röviden bemutatjuk az Észak-Borsodi LEADER térséget, majd a LEADER vidékfejlesztési programot a térségben megvalósult projektek segítségével. A kistérség 4 mikrotérségből áll, Sajó-, Nádasd- és Hangony-völgye és a Bükki Hegyhát, mely összesen 30...
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Construction of the Itaparica dam and reservoir induced changes in the agricultural production systems of the Itaparica micro-region, at the lower-middle São Francisco river basin. Extensive traditional systems were replaced by e.g. irrigated fruit production. However, over twenty years after...
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This paper determines the main forces that contribute to the creation of positive economic returns to the individual communities from TDA's supported rural tourism program and analyzes these economic returns.
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The objective of this study is develop a theoretical model that can evaluate two types of public health expenditures on water-borne health risks: water-related municipal services, an ex ante preventative measure against water-borne contamination, and medical treatment, an ex post treatment of...
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