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The author reverts the current mainstream discussion of deflation hampering economic growth. The author first revises the definition inflation that is often misinterpreted. He shows that deflation is a natural phenomenon that often follows periods of unsustainable asset-price bubbles. He also...
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Paper analyzes the Czech social security and tax system as their redistribution aspects are concerned. On a basis of individual data, authors find that social security programs are usually properly targeted but that the tax breaks favor richer households. A microanalysis of tax expenditures is...
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Èlánek se zabývá deflací, zkoumá její pøíèiny a stanovuje její typologii. Na základì tohoto zkoumání ústí v závìr, že dokud ekonomie bude stavìt na subjektivitì užitku, který nelze meziosobnì srovnávat, bude poskytovat jediný závìr. Antideflaèní politika...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade. The econometric results show that the credit support...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade. The econometric results show that the credit support...
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The Stability and Growth Pact has become a primary fiscal policy framework in all European countries since 1997. Together with Maastricht fiscal criteria it determines the fiscal discipline of integration process. The aim of this study is to evaluate ex-post effectiveness of the fiscal rules...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade shows that the credit support provided by specialized government agency, Czech Export Bank, has a positive but statistically weak influence on export. The other...
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Panel data are a result of repeating observations of a group of units, e.g. households, firms, but also whole economies with some common characteristics as EU15, transition economies a . s. o. So, more details are available enabling to analyze a changing economic structure and its reasoning....
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Panel data are specific data where cases are observed at two or more time periods. This approach brings many advantages: larger dataset, decreasing collinearity between exogenous variables and using advanced econometric models. The panel data models were applied to data from the Household Budget...
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Panel data are increasingly being used in both macro- and micro-level studies of economic problems. Macro-panel data (i denotes countries) are characteristic by sufficiently long time series to be able to analyze panel spurious regression and panel cointegration. According to the main stream of...
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