Showing 1 - 10 of 25
Schwarz. In this paper I evaluate the predictive ability of the Akaike and Schwarz information criteria using autoregressive integrated moving average models, with sectoral data of Chilean GDP. In terms of root mean square error, and after the estimation of more than a million models, the...
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This paper provides, via Monte Carlo simulations, estimates of the classical probability of overfitting under an autoregressive environment (AR), using the information criteria (IC) of Akaike, Schwarz and Hannan-Quinn (AIC, BIC and HQ), calibrated with Chilean data of total inflation, core...
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Using a structural VAR model on quarterly data from 2000Q1 to 2011Q1, this paper estimated the impact of monetary policy on aggregate demand in India. The overall impact on aggregate demand is then decomposed to observe the differential impact among the various components. It finds that an...
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The paper investigates the degree of exchange rate pass-through to import and consumer prices in Nigeria between 1986Q1 and 2007Q4 on the basis of vector error correction methodology. Results reveal that exchange rate pass-through in Nigeria is low, slightly higher in the import than in the...
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In this paper we study factor models for security returns on financial markets, where some pervasive factors are common across all securities and other pervasive factors prevail only within some groups of securities but not in others. This kind of structured factors allow a more nuanced analysis...
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Bayesian model averaging is applied to robustly ascertain the determinants of various output volatility measures, including the downside semideviation of growth rates. Financial sophis- tication variables are found to have qualitatively different effects on volatility. The ratio of govern- ment...
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The choice of the appropriate linear model before this can be used for planning and decision making, has been the concern of many statistical workers. Most of the methods in the literature aim at evaluating the descriptive ability of the candidate models. In the present paper an evaluation...
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In this paper, an evaluation method is suggested for selecting one of two competing models based on certain predictive ability ratings. The main focus is on the case of linear models that are not necessarily nested. In the context of such models, the test procedure is based on a sample statistic...
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The paper deals with a distribution that arises as the distribution of a sample statistic used to compare the predictive ability of two competing linear models. It is defined as the distribution of the ratio of two correlated gamma variables and its probabilities are tabulated in order that they...
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The finite-sample as well as the asymptotic distribution of Leung and Barron's (2006) model averaging estimator are derived in the context of a linear regression model. An impossibility result regarding the estimation of the finite-sample distribution of the model averaging estimator is obtained.
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