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This paper investigates occupational segregation by gender in the Finnish private sector during the period 1995 … genders have decreased during the investigation period occupational segregation by gender is still high in the Finnish labour … among older workers. Moreover, segregation seems to decrease with the level of education: segregation is clearly lower among …
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education in recent decades. The research results are based on the linked employer-employee data of Statistics Finland, company … findings of the study suggest that adult education differs according to the level of education, and that companies' investments …
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Unequal division of labor within families is often mentioned as one of the main factors behind the gender wage gap …
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Perhevapaiden vaikutuksesta miesten ja naisten välisiin palkkaeroihin tiedetään hyvin vähän. Tässä katsauksessa pureudutaan empiiriseen kirjallisuuteen koskien perhevapaiden vaikutusta naisten ura- ja palkkakehitykseen. Suomalaisen empiirisen tutkimustiedon puuttuessa, tässä...
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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään nuorten naisten ja miesten urakehityseroja työuran ensimmäisten vuosien aikana. Kuvauksellisessa analyysissä vertaillaan naisten ja miesten ensimmäisen tehtävän vaativuustasoja sekä työmarkkinaliikkuvuutta. Ekonometrinen osuus koostuu ylennyksen ja...
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Suomalaisyritysten toimitusjohtajista ja hallitusten puheenjohtajista alle kymmenesosa sekä hallituksen jäsenistä alle neljäsosa on naisia. Laajaan yritysaineistoon perustuvan empiirisen regressioanalyysin perusteella havaitaan, että naistoimitusjohtoinen yritys on keskimäärin noin...
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is measured in three ways: first, the time it takes to complete civil education and the level of education acquired … further find that longer military service does not prolong the attainment of civil education and does not cause a reduction in …
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-owned firms have a longer and higher education than the personnel of domestic non-multinational firms. Foreign-owned firms pay …
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as well as international literature. A distinction is thereby made between the role and impact of the education system … that early-year education and ALMP measures are typically targeted at differently aged young people. Apart from young …
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This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on job market signalling and on education as a job market … importance of relative education as an explanatory variable in a Mincerian- style wage equation. I find the conclusions of this … method to be dependent on the reference group used in defining relative education. Consequently also the second method yields …
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