Showing 1 - 10 of 155
The high trade costs inferred from gravity are rarely used in thewide class of trade models. Two related problems … explain this omis-sion of a key explanatory variable. First, national seller and buyer re-sponses to trade costs depend on … their incidence rather than on the fullcost. Second, the high dimensionality of bilateral trade costs requiresaggregation …
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Do better trade logistics reduce trade costs, raising a country´s exports? Yes, but the magnitude of the effectdepends …
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This paper develops a trade model with firm-specific quality heterogeneity, limit pric-ing, and an endogenous … distribution of markups. Exposure to trade induces only thefirms producing high-quality (high-price) products to enter the export … Allen (1964) conjecture. Trade liberalization intensifes thecompetition; causes firms producing low-quality products to exit …
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We develop a model with one innovating northern firm and heterogeneous southernfirms that compete in a final product market. We assume southern firms differ in their intrinsiccosts and their ability to adapt technology and study southern incentives to protect intellectualproperty rights. We find...
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We develop a model with one innovating northern firm and several heterogeneousSouthern firms that compete in a final product market. We assume the southern firms differ intheir ability to adapt technology and use this heterogeneity to study the differing incentives ofsouthern governments to...
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The empirical relationship between trade protection and economic growth is surprisinglyfragile, as shown in a number of … between trade barriers and growth is contingent on measures ofcomparative advantage. The findings suggest that these …
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This paper analyses trade specialisation dynamics in two Eastern European countries(Romania and Bulgaria – EEC-2) vis …
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This paper provides a systematic welfare-based approach to analyze the impact of non-tariffmeasures (NTMs) on trade and … phytosanitary regulations.The approach overcomes the shortcomings of the mainstream approach based on the analysisof forgone trade … caused by trade costs. The latter ignores market imperfections: welfareincreases when NTMs are removed and trade expands. We …
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We consider strategic government policies on the exports of final goods andon the input production when the inputs are non-tradable and produced by the foreignfirms. If the policies consist of only per-unit tax/subsidies either on the final goods oron the inputs, it is optimal for the...
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The paper enquires into the e¤ects of China’s entry into the WTO on its economic growth. We find that even in the short run (2001-2005), economic performance can be improved due to obtaining higher survival probability of economic growth rate and better protection of consumer welfare.
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