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Recent work examines whether morals are eroded in single-unit markets (Falk & Szech, 2013; Bartling, Fehr & Ozdemir …, 2020). These markets provide market power to individual traders, which limits the roles of two forces; (i) replacement … the least moral trader determines quantities. In an experiment, we compare single-unit to (more common) multi-unit markets …
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Economic theorists have seldom discussed the social structures behind markets, even though market trading relies … heavily on seller/buyer roles and personal relations among traders. This paper considers the structural basis of markets and … proposes a layered approach which accommodates a wide range of competitive and relational trade within a definition of markets …
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The single most important proposition in economic theory, first stated by Adam Smith, is that competitive markets do a … debate about the proper balance between markets and government and prompted some scholars to question whether the conditions …
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This paper presents empirical evidence on the impact of competition on firm productivity. Using firm-level observations … competition and our measures of productivity. We also find that countries that implemented product-market reforms had a more … pronounced increase in competition, and correspondingly, in productivity: the contribution to productivity growth due to …
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Friedman's essay argued that the primary criterion of validity for economic models was not descriptive fidelity, but the accuracy and importance of the predictions generated by its implications. His argument was directed against a major current of mid-twentieth-century economics that sought to...
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- learnt rule-governed behaviour, (i), under perfect competition, and (ii), in a more commercially realistic environment …. During the learning process, markets may lack a true equilibrium price, and therefore sellers in such a model cannot be price … profit level as a measure of Darwinian fitness. The simulated evolution was repeated over a random sample of 10 markets …
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markets might use their market power to stabilize the industry structure. The authors find the opposite to be true: Local … markets with more concentrated alcohol sales display more creative destruction. …
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Is competition perceived as a fair procedure? We report data from laboratory experiments where a powerful buyer can …
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There is a heated debate on whether markets erode social responsibility and moral behavior. However, it is a … challenging task to identify and measure moral behavior in markets. Based on a theoretical model, we examine in an experiment the … relation between trading volume, prices and moral behavior by setting up markets that either impose a negative externality on …
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