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people in education, is also linked to the overall decline in youth unemployment. Finally, as regards education, the results … indicate that the number of years of education, the number of young people with vocational training and, to a lesser extent … a well-functioning education system and labour market institutions that do not introduce distortions into the labour …
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Die Corona-Pandemie und die damit einhergehenden Einschränkungen in fast allen gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Bereichen beeinflussen seit einigen Wochen das Leben der Menschen weltweit. Neben der möglichen Strategie, eine Herdenimmunität durch Infizierung von 60 bis 70 Prozent der...
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The aim of this report, which has been prepared by a Task Force of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Eurosystem, is to describe and analyse the main developments in labour supply and its determinants in the euro area, review the links between labour supply and labour market institutions,...
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This paper analyses the challenges that high public debt and ageing populations pose to medium-term growth. First, macroeconometric model simulations suggest that medium-term growth can benefit from credible fiscal consolidation, partly through reductions in sovereign risk premia. Second, a...
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Auf der Grundlage der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) untersuchen wir für das Jahr 2012 die Frage, wie viele Menschen in Deutschland Pflege für ihre Angehörigen geleistet haben und in welchem Umfang sie das getan haben. Dabei betrachten wir auch, wie sich die Gruppe der Pflegenden...
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Die Heuristik einer dreidimensionalen Wissensgesellschaft wird in diesem Band aufgegriffen und weiterentwickelt. Die soziale, die ökonomische und die technische Dimension der Wissensgesellschaft werden im theoretischen Teil ausdifferenziert und anhand charakteristischer Ausprägungen...
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occupational levels for any given level of education in the two countries of interest: Austria and Germany. Migrant outcomes are … also being compared with home country outcomes, i.e. Serbia and Turkey. We find that education is imperfectly portable … occupational returns to education but migrants in Austria or Germany lag considerably behind. Middle and higher education in …
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qualitative leap in the development of education, healthcare and the pension system. We need fundamental changes in these sectors …
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has shrunken after and during the transition period. On the other hand in such fields as secondary and tertiary education …
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This paper seeks to disaggregate concerns about energy security within the wider European neighbourhood from the nation-state to the household, and particularly to poor households in the transition and developing economies of the former Soviet Union. It argues that two decades of...
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